DJ Guide To Buying

Get the best equipment for Deejaying

When it comes to buying the best Dj equipment in 2017 there's a number of things that you will need to consider before you delve on in there. Things such as brand, price, quality and so on. Forgetting these things and you can regret spending your money on a below par bit of DJing kit. Lucky for you, we are here to help you get the most out of your awesome love of being a DJ. So let's get right to it in this post on best dj equipment this year.

What Kind Of DJ Are You?

First, let's decide on what kind of a DJ you are. If you are like me, you are an old-school DJ who loves wax and DJing the old-fashioned way on a beloved set of Technics 1210s. Yeah I've had my decks for years and years and I can tell you, nothing, yes no CD turntables even come close to the sound I can get from these babies! I mean, I can rock the show with these. You give me my box of records and my technics decks and I'll scratch and DJ better than anyone you know. Fact!

The New Generation of Deejays

Of course, you may be part of the newer generation that prefer using CD turntables or DJ controllers. That's fine, you are moving with the times and at the end of the day we are playing an mixing music together. Be a fan of wax or CD, we are all deejays together in 2017. It's also a point to remember that some brands are better than others when it comes to DJ equipment. I'm a big fan of Technics as I've already mentioned but you may also like Pioneer. Both are the big boys of the beginner equipement world as can be testified at DJ Equipment HQ world and both carry heavy weight holds on the industry that we love and care for. So make sure to get a renowned brand when you're next out shopping for Deejay equipment. Those companies care and also follow a good guide that will help you to choose the right new set of decks or mixer or whatever you're in the market to buy.

Black Mountain Lodge | 2015 | Welcome to the mountains
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